Monday, November 8, 2010

Hindu People Party protest that Divya should not act in Tamil films

Saturday, 06 November 2010

The Hindu People Party has protested that Divya should not act in Tamil films. Kannan who is the State Organizing Secretary of this party had earlier issued a statement saying that since Divya was against Tamilians in the Cauvery issue, she should not be signed for any Tamil films.
But Gowtham Menon has signed Divya for his next film in spite of this party’s warning. Kannan while speaking about this said,” We protested at that time itself when Divya was signed to act in Vaaranam Aayiram.
But Gowtham Menon assured us that he will not sign Divya for his future films. Because of this we remained silent. But now Gotham Menon has gone back on his word. Making her act in his film is condemnable. We will not permit this.
Because of this there is problem for Divya to act in this film. When Divya was asked about it, she said,” There is protest against me that I should not act in Gowtham Menon’s film. I don’t know whether I will act in it or not. Only Gowtham Menon should say about this.”


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